How To Grill Chicken Breast On A Gas Grill...

Grilling chicken can be a tricky thing... It's very easy to overcook chicken, and it ends up becoming dry and difficult to taste. But there are several things you can do to ensure you're grilling up juicy and delicious chicken. And in this article, I'm gonna describe the easy steps you can follow to learn how to grill chicken breast on a gas grill . How To Prepare The Meat... The first step is to prepare the meat. You want to make sure that the chicken breast is juicy when you get done grilling it. This means that you are going to need to brine the chicken first for about half an hour. The brine can consist of 1/4 cup of salt and four cups of water. This is going to help make sure that the chicken breasts are going to be able to hold up to the heat with drying out the chicken breast. The salt will be absorbed so the chicken is not going to be too salty. How To Grill The Chicken... The second step is actually cooking the chicken breast... Once yo...